The Best Pen Fishing Rods In The World.
Here is the final word on Pen Fishing Rods & Reels. There's too many copycats out there making cheap Chinese knockoffs while attempting to impersonate our gear & allege that they are affiliated with our company, so we're going to set the record straight once & for all. We here at the original™ have 10 different reels & four (4) different size pen fishing rods to choose from. Our mini 3' - 36" pen rod PaulyPro, our 4' 6" - 57" pen rod Extreme™, 5' 1" - 61" pen rod Goliath™ & our brand new 6' 2" - 74" standard size reel seated pen rod Backpacker™ which comes with either the FD150 spinning or XLW Bait Caster reels. Here's the Backpacker™ combos in action. ( ) Our bait casters come with dual easy to remove & install two (2) screw reel footings to fit a pen rod or standard size reel seat. Three (3) rear drag Here's our rear drag in action catching a 21lb fish ( ) & three (3) front drag reels. Here's our front drag reel in action catching ( ) We also have three (3) bait caster reels & two (2) fly reels, the DS (deep spool) & the SS (shallow spool). Here's the mini fly reels catching 21lb fish. ( ) We also carry custom double odd (00) or two (2) weight high vis floating fly line & tippet created exclusively for our mini fly reels by the very famous Cortland® fly line company. =) Here's the mini fly line catching mini largemouth bass. ( ) Yes, ALL of our reels cast except the mini bait caster that was copied from us. The market is being flooded by cheap shorter Chinese knockoffs. If you want quality, you have to pay for it. The current World Record is 23lbs all caught on video - & we have at least 20 fish caught in the 20 lb range all on video for the world to see. #penfishingrods #penfishingrod #penrod #penrods #penpole #penpoles #penfishingpoles #penfishingpoles #penfishingrodsARMY #penfishingrodscom #penfishing - Join us on to see thousands of other pen fishing rod videos & catches from all over the globe! Don't go by what you read or hear from someone else, especially if they never owned any of our gear. Research for yourself! If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us through our website. =)