The greatest backpacking, hiking and camping travel fishing rods & reels in the world. It's available with the very popular ultra light 1 ball bearing durable front drag spinning reel, a well crafted deep spool mini fly fishing reel, fish fighting rear drag & very durable bait caster reels that rival TOP name brands available. They operate great in summer and works surprisingly well in cold weather during ice fishing season. The stainless steel high capacity spool holds a variety of Monofilament, Fluorocarbon, Fly fishing, Multifilament line
The NEW pen fishing Rod Extreme ultra light action rod is composed of high grade thin poly carbonate. Each tube has a small titanium ring which helps with stability & overall strength on the tips of each telescopic tube, right where it counts. The guides are crafted from titanium & fit over each tube like an insert. The tip of the rod is made from a solid piece of titanium oxide & the insert is comprised of aluminum oxide. The aluminum insert is PRESSED in at 110 lbs PSI to assure a solid seal. They are NOT glued in like the copy cat versions & cheaper rods. The aluminum insert allows for the reduction of friction & helps the line make a smooth transition through each titanium guide. It's GREAT when a fish takes the bait & runs. it won't fray the line or create friction & heat which will compromise the integrity of ANY fishing line you use. It is flexible, sturdy & very compact. All pen fishing rod sizes shown are approximate & may vary. READ WARRANTY
Nothing bad and all other reviews are good range from 4-5 and mostly 5's
backpackaXtheworld Gueston9/30/13 8:43 PM
it came in handy because we forgot to bring food! Hahaha
it came in handy because we forgot to bring food! Hahaha. My wife forgot all of our sandwiches at home on the kitchen table. At least we had some rainbow trout to eat for the weekend. Wat 2 go pen rods!!
Kyle B. Gueston6/18/13 10:02 AM
I just got my pole today and it is very nice. Light to carry. perfect for hiking & backpacking.
revi on3/8/13 2:17 AM
comparable to any big reel for normal fishing
I have used the Pen product and it has withstood the ultimate test. Landed a 34 pounder (on front page) with very few anxious moments. Ultimate challenge to any fisherman's Skill.
Here is my 34lb fish story:
Matt on12/12/12 5:42 PM
I just got my rod and reel in the mail today
I just got my rod and reel in the mail today and am very excited to go and try it out tomorrow to see what I can catch. thanks for the great rod and reel combo =)
reuben on6/23/12 3:05 AM
Hasn't arrived yet after 3 weeks (UK). I did a lot of research into this and am really looking forward to it! Its Ridiculously expensive for what it is but never-the-less Looks amazing :) I Nearly purchased the Grand-Slam Pocket Rocket Pro Combo but due to lack of vid's on Youtube decided not to go for it. Got a mini tackle box and Bum-Bag to keep it in :) :) Hope it arrives soon.
kyle Gueston4/28/12 11:45 PM
i have the pen rod extreme with the mx15aa with 12lb nanofil line and i broke the pen rod record. i caught a 27inch 23lb carp but unfortunately i was bass/perch fishing so i didnt bring my camera or anything. so i lost out on the record. love it and im buying another one soon. keep it up
Gueston4/18/12 8:28 PM
i wery much this rod, but i was wondering why my spool incant come off from my reel, i cudint take it off, if my line will get stuck unger my spool, i will need to cut it, other whise is all good, like for pen rod and reel.
Robert on1/21/12 3:26 PM
at last i got delivry, rod is look wery nice, light weight and solid, cant weit for my day off from work and go to give a try then make video. all i need now is- Berkley- nanofil line (is not mono, bride or fluocarbon) is wery slim line and wery strong, bit expensive 100yards is 17$, but is worth it. i think it will work perfect with this micro rod.