The greatest backpacking, hiking and camping travel fishing rods & reels in the world. It's available with the very popular ultra light 1 ball bearing durable front drag spinning reel, a well crafted deep spool mini fly fishing reel, fish fighting rear drag & very durable bait caster reels that rival TOP name brands like shimano, daiwa, south bend, st croix, penn, cortland, orvis & other light action fishing reels available on Basspro & Cabela's. They operate great in summer and works surprisingly well in cold weather during ice fishing season. The stainless steel high capacity spool holds a variety of Monofilament, Fluorocarbon, Fly fishing, Multifilament line
The NEW pen fishing Rod Extreme ultra light action rod is composed of high grade thin poly carbonate. Each tube has a small titanium ring which helps with stability & overall strength on the tips of each telescopic tube, right where it counts. The guides are crafted from titanium & fit over each tube like an insert. The tip of the rod is made from a solid piece of titanium oxide & the insert is comprised of aluminum oxide. The aluminum insert is PRESSED in at 110 lbs PSI to assure a solid seal. They are NOT glued in like the copy cat versions & cheaper rods. The aluminum insert allows for the reduction of friction & helps the line make a smooth transition through each titanium guide. It's GREAT when a fish takes the bait & runs. it won't fray the line or create friction & heat which will compromise the integrity of ANY fishing line you use. It is flexible, sturdy & very compact. All pen fishing rod sizes shown are approximate & may vary. READ WARRANTY
Model |
Line Capacity (yrd/lbs) |
Bearings |
Gear Ratio |
Weight (oz) |
Front Drag Spinning |
80/5 |
5:1 |
5-3/8 |
Update. Had to buy her a new one.